Your past self, your present self, and your future self are all on the same team. Think of them as collaborators in a shared project, your life. Each one has a role to play, and each one deserves your gratitude.
Your past self was the builder. They made the decisions, big and small, that brought you to where you are today. Even the mistakes were part of the process. When you find yourself frustrated with where you are, take a moment to thank your past self for showing up, learning, and laying the foundation.
Your present self is the doer. They’re the one in the trenches, making the calls, writing the code, and taking the risks. They’re also the one who gets to enjoy the small wins, the moments of flow, the spark of creativity, the satisfaction of progress. Treat your present self with kindness. They’re doing the best they can, and they’re the only one who can take action right now.
Your future self is the beneficiary. They’re the one who will reap the rewards of the work you’re doing today. When you’re tempted to procrastinate or cut corners, remember: you’re not just doing this for yourself. You’re doing it for them. Think of the future self as a partner who’s counting on you to deliver.
This isn’t just a metaphor. It’s a framework for action. When you’re stuck, ask yourself: What can I do today that my future self will thank me for? When you’re feeling discouraged, remind yourself: My past self didn’t do all this work for nothing. And when you’re overwhelmed, take a breath and say: My present self is doing the best they can.
It’s an economy of effort, a division of labor, and, above all, a relationship of love and respect. Your past, present, and future selves are in this together.