I often wonder how the most successful people seem to achieve more in 24 hours than others do in a week? It seems that they treat their time differently than most people.
Understand that time is the ultimate non-renewable resource. It’s precious, perishable, and once spent, impossible to get back. The fundamental mindset shift happens when you stop seeing time as something to fill and start seeing it as your most valuable asset. I’m not talking about hustling 24/7. I mean that you must be ruthlessly selective about what deserves your attention.
The turning point in my own journey wasn’t when I could finally “afford” to delegate, it was when I realized I couldn’t afford not to. Many entrepreneurs think: “One day when I’m successful, I’ll hire help.” Millionaires flip this thinking: “I’ll hire help so I can become successful.” They don’t view people as expenses but as investments with returns. This isn’t about offloading work you don’t want to do. It’s about identifying what only you can do, then finding people who can do everything else better than you could.
Ask yourself: “What am I doing that someone else could do better?” Then take the scarier step: “What would happen if I invested in that person instead of holding onto tasks out of fear or habit?” The most valuable work you can do is focusing on the strategic work that moves your vision forward in ways nobody else can.
What’s one task you’re holding onto that you know, deep down, someone else should be doing?