This blog is about taking the first step, without waiting for (self-)approval, perfection, or the “right” moment. It’s about recognizing that nothing starts until you start it, and that the beginning is often messy, imperfect, and even a little terrifying. But that’s okay. In fact, it’s more than okay – it’s necessary.
Like so many of us, I’ve struggled with imposter syndrome; that nagging fear that I’m not good enough or that my ideas don’t matter. But the truth is that growth happens in the doing. You don’t need to be perfect to start; you just need to begin. And the beauty of starting is that it’s the only way to get better.
People value authenticity and the story of growth more than polished perfection. Think of the YouTubers who document their journey from novice to expert, the TikTok creators who spend months on stop-motion projects to create a 30-second video. These creators succeed because they’re showing the work, not just the results. And there’s something incredibly powerful about that.
So, this blog is my way of starting without permission. It’s about getting over the fear of imperfection and embracing the process of growth. It’s about sharing my thoughts, lessons, and experiences, even if they’re not perfect, because I believe that’s how we connect, learn, and grow.
Let’s stop waiting for the perfect moment, the perfect idea, or the perfect audience. Let’s just begin. What’s one thing you’ve been waiting to start?